I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.


Welcome to Fern & Laurels, a lifestyle blog focused on the belief that even the smallest change can make a big difference. I believe that we all have a part in this world to play besides having our careers, we as humans are caretakers and it's our responsibility to look after our planet. 
My focus for this blog is to take accountability for my own actions and inspire others to do the same. I aim to prove that you can live the glamorous life you've always wanted, and still be mindful of the choices you make along the way. 
I expect there to be learning curves along the way and I hope my readers will reach out and grow with me over the course of the next year and those to follow. 
The goals I am setting for this blog currently are to write at least 3 times a week, broadening my impact through all of my social media outlets to encourage likeminded individuals to stay motivated alongside me, to coach others that also want to live a plant based lifestyle, and to learn from my mistakes and reinforce a positive, loving mindset towards myself and others
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