I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.

Accept the Unaccepted


I've had a lot of questions about what my plans are as a vegan, how "far out there" am I going to be and the like. One of the questions I got was what am I going to do with all the stuff I own that isn't vegan. Simply put, I won't be doing anything with it. I've already paid for it, it's in my possession and I'm going to use it until I no longer can. Do have makeup that isn't vegan? Yes, while all of my makeup is cruelty free, some of it isn't vegan, and I do not have the means to just throw stuff away and replace it, and I also find that wasteful. My favorite purse is my trusty Longchamp Le Pliage, and I have carried it faithfully everyday for 6+ years. Will I give it to Good Will? Nope. I am aware that while the body is nylon, the handles are in fact real leather.

I don't see the point in giving anything away or worse, throwing it in the trash, I will use it until it's in disrepair and then I will find a suitable vegan replacement for it. This mindset will go into all of my personal belongings, I will use what I already have until I can't, and then I will replace it with something vegan.

I'm sure this goes against what others believe, and some will tell me that I'm not a true vegan, but I'm not in a financial position where I can just throw away a lifetime of possessions and replace them instantly. I have however, begun what I'm calling a no buy. I will obviously not be buying anything in the future that is not vegan. No leather, no makeup, no fleece, etc. Obviously that includes my food, that just goes without saying.

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