I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.

To Be Or Not To Be


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The word vegan seems to spark a lot of animosity in some people but have you ever wondered why? Aside from the trauma caused to the movement by PETA (a blog post for another day perhaps) I see no reason why the term vegan should arise such harsh reactions from anyone. The goal of veganism is to cause less harm to one's self, the animals, and our planet. It is at its very core a peaceful movement. So why all the hate? Why when you tell someone you're planning on transitioning to a vegan lifestyle do they immediately scoff? 

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Questions are plentiful among omnis about "where you get your protein?',  "do you know how expensive it will be?" and general comments about how "this is just a phase." I've often found that people are cynical when it comes to things they don't understand but more often or not I've found that the people that turn down their nose at those who are trying to better themselves and become less selfish because they cannot or won't be bothered to understand why anyone would want to change. 

Now I don't plan on pushing my own personal agenda on anyone, my fiancé is an omni and a notoriously picky eater at that, and while I will not be partaking in the omni lifestyle after December 1st, I certainly won't be nagging at him to change his diet, or anyone else for that matter. You have to do what is right for you. That being said, I will wholeheartedly try and be a beacon for the vegan and vegetarian lifestyle. I want to shed light on the real message and love offered by choosing a more thoughtful diet.  I only ask that others do the same for me, show me the same respect that afford you. 

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Growing up in the south, I know all too well how far I am wandering off the beaten path. My father has taken me deer hunting, I am an excellent fisher and my brother is one hell of a sportsman when it comes to providing for his family, he excels. It's just how we were raised. I have no ill will at all towards them, in fact I have more respect for a man that takes his time to go out and earn the food he feeds his family, taking only what he needs versus someone who gets their meat from the supermarket and is completely numb to the cost it took to get it there. 

So again I say, please try to afford me some respect for my decision. In fact, I ask that you please encourage me, and motivate me to stay on this path. See not that I fail, but that I triumph.

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